We are aggressively buying all forms of gold, silver and platinum.

Our Reputation

reputationDFW Gold Buyer has been in business for over 30 years, we have an A+ Better Business Bureau rating, we have thousands upon thousands of satisfied clients, we’ve been in the same location for 20 years and have used the same bank for 20 plus years.

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Driving directions to DFW Gold Buyer


We have been located in the North Dallas Bank building for over 20 years. We’re conveniently located on the southeast corner of Preston Road and 635.

• From the west, drive east on LBJ and exit Preston Road. DFW Gold Buyer is on the southeast corner of Preston and LBJ in the North Dallas Bank Building, Suite 715.

From the east, drive west on LBJ and exit Preston Road. Turn left and cross the overpass, DFW Gold Buyer is on the southeast corner of Preston and LBJ in the North Dallas Bank Building, Suite 715.

From the north, take North Dallas Tollway, Preston Road or North Central Expressway. On southbound Preston Road at LBJ, cross the overpass and DFW Gold Buyer is on the southeast corner of Preston and LBJ in the North Dallas Bank Building, Suite 715. Taking North Dallas Tollway, drive south and exit LBJ east. Exit Preston Road, and DFW Gold Buyer is on the southeast corner of Preston and LBJ in the North Dallas Bank Building, Suite 715. Taking North Central Expressway South, exit LBJ west. Exit Preston Road and turn left over the overpass.

From the south, take North Dallas Tollway, Oak Lawn Avenue or North Central Expressway. On North Dallas Tollway, exit Harvest Hill and turn right. Take a left on Preston Road and DFW Gold Buyer is on the southeast corner of Preston and LBJ in the North Dallas Bank Building, Suite 715. If you take Oak Lawn, it will turn into Preston Road. Go north, and DFW Gold Buyer is on the southeast corner of Preston and LBJ in the North Dallas Bank Building, Suite 715. If you are taking North Central Expressway, go north and exit LBJ west. Exit Preston Road and turn left over the overpass.



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